
Last updated:  April 27, 2023

Power Table Investment Group LLC, its relevant entities, partners, subsidiaries and its affiliates (together, "Power Table Group", "Power Table", "PTG", "our", "us", "we" and/or "company") is an investment and management firm/holding company and/or an alternative asset management company.

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All investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal. Past performance of the portfolio investments and/or the Financial Markets is not necessarily indicative of their future performance and does not guarantee or indicate future results. The prediction, projection, or forecast on the economy, securities markets, or the economic trends of the markets tracked by the portfolio investments are not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance of the portfolio investments. Any historical returns, expected returns, or probability projections are provided for informational and illustrative purposes only and may not be an indication and/or reflection of future performance. The past performance does not guarantee future performance. Past results of any investment system published by Power Table Investment Group, through the website or otherwise, are not indicative of future returns by that system, and are not indicative of future returns which will be realized by you. Power Table Investment Group assumes no responsibility for liability for your investment results. An investment in the Power Table Group portfolio investments may be subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of the principal invested. Investments may decline in value, potentially meaning that you may lose all or get back less than what you invested. Investments in Power Table Group portfolio investments are not deposits nor obligations of, nor guaranteed nor insured by Power Table Group or any entity. While the data we use from third parties is believed to be reliable, we cannot ensure the accuracy or completeness of data provided by investors or other third parties. Neither Power Table Investment Group nor any of its subsidiaries and/or affiliates provide tax advice and do not represent in any manner that the outcomes described herein will result in any particular tax consequence. Offers to sell, or solicitations of offers to buy, any security can only be made through official offering documents that contain important information about investment objectives, risks, fees and expenses. Prospective investors should consult with a tax or legal adviser before making any investment decision.

This information has been published by Power Table Investment Group. This information is not intended to constitute financial advice, a personal recommendation or an offer or agreement to buy or sell investments. Whilst we have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the information contained in this website and our client agreement is not untrue or misleading at the time of publication, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness and such information may be subject to change without notice. Investors should not act on it without first independently verifying its contents. If contemplating an investment or investment service, customers/clients/investors should seek independent advice or make his/her own decisions as to the suitability of the investment and/or service. Investments in financial products are high risk and are not suitable for every investor.

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